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"You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins"
by Janie Buck
Date: 08.10.2010
When the angel was sent to tell Mary that she was to be the mother of the Savior he also told her, "You shall call Him Jesus for He will save His people from their sins.".

Think deeply about the meaning of Jesus' name. It is a great treasure to know He will save us from our sins.

We celebrate Jesus' birth every Christmas and His death every Easter. But do we realize that God wants to hear our prayers every day?

We should not be like a two year old who tells his mother "Do it myself." It doen't take long before the two year old crys for help. Our Father longs to reveal Himself to us, but if we insist on running our own life He will allow us to do it But praise that He will come to our aid when we get ot the end of our rope. He desires for us to bring Him our love and adoration every day. And commands us to walk in the Spirit.

Take time ever day to pray to our Father. He thinks about us each day and longs to reveal Himself to us. Bring him your love and adoration as well as your problems.

It is through personal fellowship with Jesus that we are able to quite doing the things we know are wrong. We must come to Him with all our heart and ask Him to fill us with the Holy Spirit who will be the power we need to walk worthy of the Lord. All God's holiness dwells in Jesus. We commune together in mutual love and desire, The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and brings to our rememberance that Jesus died for all our sins are cleansed. His love will expel and conquer at our sins.

Learn the wondrous blessedness of each day fellowshipping with Jesus. It is the secret of happiness and holiness.

As we learn to go apart with Him we will experience His presence to love and to walk in His ways. Through this unbroken fellowship we will learn the secret of the power of a truly godly life.
Abiding in Christ
by Janie Buck
Topic: Faith
Date: 08.10.2010
"Just as the Father has loved Me, I have loved you; abide in My love" (John 10:9). This is our invitation to experience fellowship with Jesus throughout the day! God desires to reveal Himself as a Person to each one of us as an individual, knowing ourself as distinct from others. God will reveal Himself to us as a Person, and it is our holy calling to enter into fellowship with Him, God desires this fellowship with us. But sin has come between us and the Lord God. Even the Christian who thinks he know God there is often ignorance and indifference to this personal relationship of love to God.

We believe that our sins are forgiven and that God accepts us so that we may go to heaven. And we know we should try to do God's will but we must each day have this blessed fellowship with God.

God gave His Son to bring us to Himself! Experiencing His presence is only possible when we live in close fellowship with Jesus Christ. Our relationship to Christ rests on His deep and tender love to us. We are not able of ourselves to give Him this love. But the Holy Spirit will do the work in us. For this to be real in our life we need to daily separate ourself from the world and turn in faith to the Lord Jesus so that He may shed His love abroad in our hearts. Then we can be filled with a great love to Him.

Jesus said, "He that loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will disclose Myself to him. (John 14:21)

Prayer: "Lord, You have loved me dearly; most earnestly do I desire to love You above everything else on earth."
"Our inner man is being renewed day by day"
by Janie Buck
Date: 08.10.2010
Every day we must remember the absolute necessity of fellowship with Jesus. We speak to Him by prayer and God speaks to us from the page up - that is the pages of the Bible that is the written Word of God.

The grace we have recieved of forgiven sins, and acceptance as God's child, and joy in the Holy Spirit grows stronger by daily renewal of our fellowship with our Lord Jesus Christ!

Ask our Father for the gift of knowing that the Lord Jesus is always with us. He works in us on the condition that we give Him time each day to impart His love and grace in our heart. Time reading the Bible is the one conditon of spiritual growth and power to live pleasing to our Father who is in Heaven.

Jesus said, "Come unto Me and I will give you rest. Learn of Me and you shall find rest for your souls." We learn more about Him by daily reading the Bible.

Prayer: "Lord, I bow before You and ask that Your love will fill me. Please let Your love rest in my heart. I want to please You in all I do and say, and I want to spend time each day in fellowship with you, my dear Lord Jesus Christ."

In this way our inner being will be renwed day by day.
Meeting with the Lord
by Janie Buck
Topic: Prayers
Date: 08.12.2010
"When you pray, go into your inner room, close the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you" (Matt. 6:6). Jesus meant don't try to impress people with your prayers. If we do them our Father will not listen! We need to shut the world out, withdraw from our "to do" list, shut ourself in alone with God, and pray in secret.

Our chief objective is to realize the presence of our Father in heaven. Remember that you are alone with All Mighty God!

The beginning of prayer is taking time to realize His presence with me. Then we pray to our Father who sees what is done in secret.

It is a wonderful privilege to pray and know God listen to us. The only prayer that counts are those our Father hears - not the ones prayed to impress people. We can have full assurance that He knows how much we need His help and guidance, and He will listen to us.

Believe the great promise: "Your Father who sees in secret shall reward you openly." Our Father will make sure that our prayer in not just blowing in the wind. All through the day He will be working out the answer.

Since Jesus has given us the promise of His presence and shows us the way to the inner room of prayer, He will surely be with us and teach us to pray. It is through Him that we have access to the Father. We can be childlike in our trust and fellowship wtih Christ. Confess each sin, and bring every need to Him. Offer your prayer to the Father in the name of Christ.

Prayer is fellowship with Jesus cannot by be in vain.
The Sermon on the Mount 1
by Janie Buck
Topic: Faith
Date: 08.24.2010
"Blessed are those who don't think highly of themselves." Jesus gave us a "divinely-bestowed" sense of well being that is the opposite of the normal human way followed in the pursuit of happiness. The way most folks who don't know the Lord is "if only I had more money, fame, etc., I would be happy. But "poor in spirit" is the opposite of self-sufficiency. Apart from God and is grace we are spiritually bankrupt. There are no "self-made" people in God's kingdom. Without Him we can do nothing, But with Christ we can do all things because the kingdom of heaven is ours here and now!

"Blessed are those who don't think highly of themselves and morn over their sin." It is blessed because godly sorrow produces repentance and salvation. The Kingdom of Heaven is a gracious gift to those who sense their poverty of spirit and trust in the Lord to deliver them from sin and eternal shame.

"Blessed are those who morn, for they shall be comforted." This is a godly sorrow that produced repentance leading to salvation without regret" (2 Cor 7:10). The comfort God our Father gives is the assurance that our sins are forgiven, and we will see Him face-to-face when we die.

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."

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