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Old Testament
New Testament
Who Are We?
by Janie Buck
Topic: Confession
Date: 05.26.2006

The most amazing part of the Christian life is that the Lord actually comes and lives in our heart! I had been a Christian several years before I learned this blessed truth. I asked, “Is it really true that Jesus lives in my heart?” The answer was a resounding, “Absolutely! And He will never leave you. That is His promise to all who receive Him as Savior and Lord.”

Ever since I learned this glorious truth I renew my relationship with Him every day. “Good morning, Lord Jesus. I’m glad to greet you this morning as I awake in the new day that you have made. I yield my life to your control and depend upon your guidance. Warn me of the pot-holds that may trip me up and give grace to not succumbed to temptation...”

In the Old Testament there is a warning: “He has defiled the sanctuary of the Lord“ (Numbers 19:20). Since Christ came and died for our sin, Christians are the Lord’s temple. We keep His temple, our body, clean by daily (and sometimes every hour) by confessing our sin and turning from i. Our character may become polluted by unconfessed sin if we allow the little sins of others against us, or our own, to stay in our heart.

So many temptations to moral impurity assails us from every angle and source. Therefore we must keep a guard on our eyes. That is, be careful what you watch on TV, movies or print media. A warning from the Bible points out that temporary satisfaction has consequences: “that no one is sexually immoral or unholy like Esau, who sold his birthright for a single meal” (Hebrews 12:15).

Memory Verse: "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer" (Psalms 19:14)

Prayer: Lord, I need help. All around me there is temptations that lure me into sinful practices. Help me recognize what is happening before I fall. And give grace that I will turn to you for help for you are always with me. In fact you and I live in the same body, so you are always ready to help me.

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