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New Testament
Check Motives
by Janie Buck
Topic: Confession
Date: 12.08.2004

Once when we were invited to a big party I shopped for a new dress, got a manicure and new hairdo. When I finished dressing I looked in the mirror and admired the results. I gave a final pat to my hair and thought, "Now I think I can make it. I look great."

My conscience struck swiftly. Pride in his beauty and splendor was Satan's sin that caused him to think he was great and could put his throne above the Almighty Lords.

Quickly I confessed my pride as sin. "Forgive me, Father. All I am and have is a gift from you. I confess my pride as sin, and will glory in nothing but the cross of Christ my Savior."

"There are six things the Lord hates - no, seven:" and pride is the first in the list! That is why my heart was humbled when I thought I looked good enough to make it on my own.

Have you ever thought about the fact that there is good pride and bad pride? Proverbs has many references to "bad" pride. "If anyone respects and fears God, he will hate evil. For wisdom hates pride, arrogance, corruption and deceit of every kind." (Proverbs 8:13) And "Proud men end in shame, but the meek become wise" (Proverbs 11:2) "Pride leads to arguments; be humble, take advice and become wise." (Proverbs 13:10) "Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18)

Paul wrote about the good kind of pride to help the church at Corinth. He said he wasn't "trying to pat ourselves on the back again. No, I am giving you some good ammunition! You can use this on those preachers of yours who brag about how well they look and preach, but don't have true and honest hearts. You can boast about us that we, at least, are well intentioned and honest." And he told them, "I have great confidence in you; I take great pride in you." And he also said, "Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load." (Gal. 6:4)

Check your motives. And be careful that you don't fall into the trap of thinking more highly of yourself than you ought.

Memory Verse: "A Christian who doesn't amount to much in this world should be glad, for he is great in the Lord's sight. But a rich man should be glad that his riches mean nothing to the Lord, for he will soon be gone." (James 1:9-10)

Prayer: A Christian who doesn't amount to much in this world should be glad, for he is great in the Lord's sight. But a rich man should b e glad that his riches mean nothing to the Lord, for he will soon be gone

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