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REFERENCE: Ephesians

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Old Testament
New Testament
The Sword of the Spirit
by Janie Buck
Date: 04.22.2006

An arsenal of toy guns and swords are standard equiptment in little boys toy chest. Real swords are frightening weapons. It’s hard to imagine they are used these days to kill people. But they are! The terrorist are chopping off the heads of people who don’t agree with them. People who have done them no harm are slaughtered in an effort to scare others into taking their side in the present war. They want to install their form of worship and rule over the Middle East and ultimately the world.

These men are motivated by hate and are tools of our ultimate enemy, Satan. He has blinded the eyes of those who don’t believe Jesus is the Savior of the world.

Those who do believe in the Christ are given offensive and defensive armor for protection against the unseen forces of hell that want to kill our witness and destroy our effectiveness for the One and only Lord.

We are instructed to take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Yes, the Bible is our weapon against unseen but real enemies. But how do we use it? First we must recognize our enemy.

The first time I realized how Satan attacks me happened when I was thinking about a passages of Scripture. A thought came into my mind, “How do you know it is true?” I was startled and said outloud, “I’ve heard that before! That’s what Satan told to Eve in the Garden.” It was an “ah-ha!” moment.

Satan speaks to our thoughts in our own voice. Therefore Christians don’t realize where a bad thought comes from. Most Christians think it is their own evil thought life and get depressed thinking that they must be a really bad person. They wonder if God loves them for Satan also heaps guilt on them.

There are three sources of thoughts that go on in our minds. First is our own. Second is our Lord. Third is our enemy. Watch and pray that the Lord will help you discern who is speaking in your mind.

The way to counter any negative thought is say, “No, that is not true.” Then turn to the Lord and start praising Him for delivering you from every evil work of the enemy. And quote Scripture in your prayer – it is the sword of the Spirit that defeats the enemy of your soul.

Memory Verse: "In all circumstances take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God..." (Ephesians 6:16-17)

Prayer: Father, thank you for living in my heart and delivering me from evil even as Jesus taught us to pray. Give me a push to memorize Scripture so I will know how to counter attacks upon my thought life, and even people who are mean and ugly to me. Father, thank you for living in my heart and delivering me from evil even as Jesus taught us to pray. Give me a push to memorize Scripture so I will know how to counter attacks upon my thought life, and even people who are mean and ugly to me. Father, thank you for living in my heart and delivering me from evil even as Jesus taught us to pray. Give me a push to memorize Scripture so I will know how to counter attacks upon my thought life, and even people who are mean and ugly to me.

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