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Chapter 20

Old Testament
New Testament
Wisdom for Wives
by Janie Buck
Topic: Marriage
Date: 08.04.2005

Ladies, women and wives, lend me your ears. There is help for you. You can have a happy home and a good marriage. As advised to husbands, “Try God’s way.” He wrote the book on marriage. No matter how miserable you are there is hope and help when you and your husband commit your marriage to the Lord. Depend upon Him and learn all you can from the Bible about His plan.

Assuming you are a Christian and want a good marriage here is what the Bible says to wives: “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord” (Eph. 5:22). You can’t submit to your husband without first submitting to the Lord.

Think about submitting to the Lord. The word Lord is instructive. In Scripture it means the Supreme Being, the Lord God Almighty. And wives are instructed to submit to their husbands as they submit to God!

First thing you must do is give yourself to the Lord. Nothing held back from Him for He is Lord. Every area of life must be put under His control. Bundle it all up and in prayer present it to Him. (This is true for husbands too) Don’t think you have done your duty when you make this transfer of control. You will probably be tested on all points to see if you mean what you said.

For instance, when my baby girl got sick a horrible thought popped in my mind. “What if she were to die!” I prayed, “No, Lord! You wouldn’t let her die. After all the fertility treatment I went through to have this baby, you wouldn’t let her die!” In the quietness of my heart He reminded me that she really belonged to Him. He gave me the privilege of being her mother and training her to know and love Him. We are not our own. We belong to the Lord.

She was just sick with a cold and needed rocking to sleep. God used her to test my life commitment to Him. He may take you through many of the “rights” you assume and ask if you are seriously committed to Him.

The good news is you can trust Him! Don’t hold on to anything but Him. No man can fill all your needs; so don’t nag your husband. Don’t even hold on to your own life. The Lord is the only one who is worthy of our complete trust.

Memory Verse: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:5)

Prayer: Father, I surrender my complete life to you. I trust you take care of my children (name them) and my husband. I want my relationship with him to be a picture of my oneness with my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

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