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You Are Not Your Own
by Janie Buck
Date: 04.09.2008

“Oh, yeah? Who said so? I am my own boss. No one is going to tell me what to do.” This attitude is basic human nature and the source of the song “I Did It My Way.”

God created us with freedom to choose. To their own hurt most people choose their “own way.” If thoughts about the coming judgment enters the mind they are dismissed as so far in the future that it doesn’t affect their daily life. Two young beauty queens found out they couldn’t party with a wild crowd. One lost her crown and the other was given a second chance.

There is no “second chance” when this life is over. God has assigned a place for people who ignore Him. It is not a pleasant place to spend a second, much less eternity. If we ignore the Lord we will “Pay the Piper.”

What would happen if you surrendered your life to God? Before I did it I thought it would be bondage. The amazing truth is that it brought freedom. We are doomed to failure if we depend upon our self to live pleasing to God. All our resolutions are soon forgotten and we live as we always have.

Have you made resolutions to do better and be better? Years ago I wrote my mother that my New Year’s resolutions was to write her a letter every week. Later she told me that she and Dad laughed for they knew I wouldn’t follow-up on that resolution.

Good intentions and resolutions will not change our behavior. The Lord is the only one who can change us for the better. The Apostle Paul wrote, “I urge you, in view of God’s mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.” (Romans 12:1) God does not command us to do this. He asks us. It is only our reasonable act of worship. This resolution has benefits here and now and for eternity!

Memory Verse: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so thank you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:2)

Prayer: Father, thank you that I am not on my own trying to figure out how to love you and do what pleases you. Than you for the Bible that explains all I need to know about you and how to be sure I will live with you in heaven forever.

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